Белая кухня в потолок: Белая кухня под потолок — 71 фото
Белая кухня под потолок (76 фото)
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Vicostone Tuscany BQ 8811
Бежевые кухни
Кухни 9кв м стиль хайтек
Глянцевая белая кухня до потолка
код 102040
12 098,00 р.
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Белая глянцевая кухня до потолка из плит крашеной МДФ с интегрированными ручками. Вместительная модель со множеством ящиков разного размера и нишами для встраивания микроволновки, холодильника, духового шкафа, посудомоечной и стиральной машин. Створки открываются нажимным способом, ручки отсутствуют. В столешницу встроена варочная панель и мойка.
Фурнитура: Blum.
Корпус: Egger.
Столешница: Egger.
от 7 150,00 р.
7 540,00 р.
Идеал Кухни
8 (029) 690-77-77
7 321,00 р.
БМ мебель
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цена за 1 м.п.
от 1 955,00 р.
Мебельная компания «Эверест»
8 (044) 796-22-22
5 900,00 р.
Мебельная компания «Эверест»
8 (044) 796-22-22
7 800,00 р.
Мебельная компания «Эверест»
8 (044) 796-22-22
от 5 200,00 р.
6 240,00 р.
Идеал Кухни
8 (029) 690-77-77
4 900,00 р.
Идеал Кухни
8 (029) 690-77-77
4 777,00 р.
Идеал Кухни
8 (029) 690-77-77
от 792,00 р.
Кухни фабрики «Монтанья»
8 (029) 194-93-54
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Кухонный потолочный вентилятор | Hunter Fan
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We make it easier for you to focus on aesthetics by taking the guesswork out of shopping for top quality. Our kitchen ceiling fans meet the highest standards and feature premium amenities, like our <a href="/pages/surespeed-guarantee">SureSpeed™ guarantee</a> of high-velocity cooling, to make your shopping experience as simple as possible. Whether you’re looking for a kitchen ceiling fan with lights, small kitchen ceiling fans, or a low-profile design, you can count on Hunter to provide powerful performance and outstanding comfort. <h3>Kitchen Ceiling Fan Ideas </h3> Homeowners looking for the perfect DIY kitchen ceiling fan can choose from a wide variety of contemporary, modern, industrial, and traditional fans. We offer styles for rustic appeal, farmhouse-inspired décor, nautical themes, modern designs, and more. Find caged fans, smart fans, chandelier ceiling fans, and even customizable options. Add a downrod to achieve the perfect height, remote control options for convenience, angled ceiling mounts, finials, and more features for a precision fit in your kitchen. Choose a fan that complements your existing furniture, cabinet hardware, appliances, and color schemes. Or, flip the script and use the look of your favorite Hunter fan design as <a href="/blogs/hunter-blog">inspiration</a> for decorating your kitchen. <h3>Kitchen Fan Lighting</h3> Find a variety of lighting solutions in our selection of kitchen ceiling fans with lights. Browse fans with globe lights, bowl lights, and multi-light designs. Create the perfect ambiance with glass shades in white, amber, and frosted options. With finishes including black, white, brown, brushed nickel, brass, chrome, and more, it’s easy to get the look you want and the lighting you need. <h3>Powerful Tradition of Innovation </h3> We believe that ceiling fans are more than just a means of moving air, they’re an essential component of comfort and an integral part of your home’s décor. That’s why every fan is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, including premium finishes, buffed metals, and perfectly balanced blades.
With in-house testing protocols that exceed even the most stringent of industry standards, Hunter goes the extra mile to ensure your fan provides a lifetime of exceptional service. Our innovative designs, fine craftsmanship, and dedication to engineering excellence make Hunter fans the right choice for your home. Install a Hunter ceiling fan in your kitchen to experience the powerful performance and precision craftsmanship for yourself.»> Кухонные потолочные вентиляторы Hunter, идеально дополняющие обновленную кухню, обеспечивают надежную, бесшумную и эффективную работу, дополняя остальной интерьер. Мы считаем, что в споре о форме и функции нет места для компромиссов. Кухонный потолочный вентилятор должен быть настолько же красивым, насколько и функциональным. Вот почему Hunter производит вентиляторы самых разных стилей, размеров и вариантов освещения, что позволяет легко подобрать для вас лучший кухонный потолочный вентилятор.
In the debate over form versus function, we believe there’s no room for compromise. A kitchen ceiling fan should be as beautiful as it is functional. That’s why Hunter produces fans in a wide assortment of styles, sizes, and lighting options, making it easy to find the best kitchen ceiling fan for you. <h3>The Best Ceiling Fans for Kitchens</h3> We understand that you put a lot of consideration into choosing the right kitchen ceiling fan. We make it easier for you to focus on aesthetics by taking the guesswork out of shopping for top quality. Our kitchen ceiling fans meet the highest standards and feature premium amenities, like our <a href="/pages/surespeed-guarantee">SureSpeed™ guarantee</a> of high-velocity cooling, to make your shopping experience as simple as possible. Whether you’re looking for a kitchen ceiling fan with lights, small kitchen ceiling fans, or a low-profile design, you can count on Hunter to provide powerful performance and outstanding comfort. <h3>Kitchen Ceiling Fan Ideas </h3> Homeowners looking for the perfect DIY kitchen ceiling fan can choose from a wide variety of contemporary, modern, industrial, and traditional fans. We offer styles for rustic appeal, farmhouse-inspired décor, nautical themes, modern designs, and more. Find caged fans, smart fans, chandelier ceiling fans, and even customizable options. Add a downrod to achieve the perfect height, remote control options for convenience, angled ceiling mounts, finials, and more features for a precision fit in your kitchen. Choose a fan that complements your existing furniture, cabinet hardware, appliances, and color schemes. Or, flip the script and use the look of your favorite Hunter fan design as <a href="/blogs/hunter-blog">inspiration</a> for decorating your kitchen. <h3>Kitchen Fan Lighting</h3> Find a variety of lighting solutions in our selection of kitchen ceiling fans with lights. Browse fans with globe lights, bowl lights, and multi-light designs.
Create the perfect ambiance with glass shades in white, amber, and frosted options. With finishes including black, white, brown, brushed nickel, brass, chrome, and more, it’s easy to get the look you want and the lighting you need. <h3>Powerful Tradition of Innovation </h3> We believe that ceiling fans are more than just a means of moving air, they’re an essential component of comfort and an integral part of your home’s décor. That’s why every fan is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, including premium finishes, buffed metals, and perfectly balanced blades. With in-house testing protocols that exceed even the most stringent of industry standards, Hunter goes the extra mile to ensure your fan provides a lifetime of exceptional service. Our innovative designs, fine craftsmanship, and dedication to engineering excellence make Hunter fans the right choice for your home. Install a Hunter ceiling fan in your kitchen to experience the powerful performance and precision craftsmanship for yourself.
«> Мы понимаем, что вы уделяете большое внимание выбору подходящего кухонного потолочного вентилятора. Мы помогаем вам сосредоточиться на эстетике, избавляя вас от догадок при покупке высококачественных товаров. Наши кухонные потолочные вентиляторы соответствуют самым высоким стандартам и оснащены первоклассными функциями, такими как наша гарантия SureSpeed™ для высокоскоростного охлаждения, чтобы сделать ваши покупки максимально простыми. Независимо от того, ищете ли вы кухонный потолочный вентилятор с подсветкой, небольшой кухонный потолочный вентилятор или низкопрофильный дизайн, вы можете рассчитывать на то, что Hunter обеспечит высокую производительность и непревзойденный комфорт.
A kitchen ceiling fan should be as beautiful as it is functional. That’s why Hunter produces fans in a wide assortment of styles, sizes, and lighting options, making it easy to find the best kitchen ceiling fan for you. <h3>The Best Ceiling Fans for Kitchens</h3> We understand that you put a lot of consideration into choosing the right kitchen ceiling fan. We make it easier for you to focus on aesthetics by taking the guesswork out of shopping for top quality. Our kitchen ceiling fans meet the highest standards and feature premium amenities, like our <a href="/pages/surespeed-guarantee">SureSpeed™ guarantee</a> of high-velocity cooling, to make your shopping experience as simple as possible. Whether you’re looking for a kitchen ceiling fan with lights, small kitchen ceiling fans, or a low-profile design, you can count on Hunter to provide powerful performance and outstanding comfort. <h3>Kitchen Ceiling Fan Ideas </h3> Homeowners looking for the perfect DIY kitchen ceiling fan can choose from a wide variety of contemporary, modern, industrial, and traditional fans. We offer styles for rustic appeal, farmhouse-inspired décor, nautical themes, modern designs, and more. Find caged fans, smart fans, chandelier ceiling fans, and even customizable options. Add a downrod to achieve the perfect height, remote control options for convenience, angled ceiling mounts, finials, and more features for a precision fit in your kitchen. Choose a fan that complements your existing furniture, cabinet hardware, appliances, and color schemes. Or, flip the script and use the look of your favorite Hunter fan design as <a href="/blogs/hunter-blog">inspiration</a> for decorating your kitchen. <h3>Kitchen Fan Lighting</h3> Find a variety of lighting solutions in our selection of kitchen ceiling fans with lights. Browse fans with globe lights, bowl lights, and multi-light designs. Create the perfect ambiance with glass shades in white, amber, and frosted options. With finishes including black, white, brown, brushed nickel, brass, chrome, and more, it’s easy to get the look you want and the lighting you need.
<h3>Powerful Tradition of Innovation </h3> We believe that ceiling fans are more than just a means of moving air, they’re an essential component of comfort and an integral part of your home’s décor. That’s why every fan is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, including premium finishes, buffed metals, and perfectly balanced blades. With in-house testing protocols that exceed even the most stringent of industry standards, Hunter goes the extra mile to ensure your fan provides a lifetime of exceptional service. Our innovative designs, fine craftsmanship, and dedication to engineering excellence make Hunter fans the right choice for your home. Install a Hunter ceiling fan in your kitchen to experience the powerful performance and precision craftsmanship for yourself.»> Домовладельцы, которые ищут идеальный кухонный потолочный вентилятор, могут выбрать из широкого спектра современных, современных, промышленных и традиционных вентиляторов. Мы предлагаем стили для деревенской привлекательности, декор в стиле фермерского дома, морскую тематику, современный дизайн и многое другое.
Найдите камерные вентиляторы, умные вентиляторы, потолочные вентиляторы-люстры и даже настраиваемые варианты. Добавьте направляющую для достижения идеальной высоты, удобные варианты дистанционного управления, угловые потолочные крепления, наконечники и другие функции для точного размещения на вашей кухне. Выберите вентилятор, который дополнит вашу существующую мебель, корпусную фурнитуру, бытовую технику и цветовую гамму. Или переверните сценарий и используйте внешний вид вашего любимого вентилятора Hunter в качестве вдохновения для украшения вашей кухни.
<h3>The Best Ceiling Fans for Kitchens</h3> We understand that you put a lot of consideration into choosing the right kitchen ceiling fan. We make it easier for you to focus on aesthetics by taking the guesswork out of shopping for top quality. Our kitchen ceiling fans meet the highest standards and feature premium amenities, like our <a href="/pages/surespeed-guarantee">SureSpeed™ guarantee</a> of high-velocity cooling, to make your shopping experience as simple as possible. Whether you’re looking for a kitchen ceiling fan with lights, small kitchen ceiling fans, or a low-profile design, you can count on Hunter to provide powerful performance and outstanding comfort. <h3>Kitchen Ceiling Fan Ideas </h3> Homeowners looking for the perfect DIY kitchen ceiling fan can choose from a wide variety of contemporary, modern, industrial, and traditional fans. We offer styles for rustic appeal, farmhouse-inspired décor, nautical themes, modern designs, and more. Find caged fans, smart fans, chandelier ceiling fans, and even customizable options. Add a downrod to achieve the perfect height, remote control options for convenience, angled ceiling mounts, finials, and more features for a precision fit in your kitchen. Choose a fan that complements your existing furniture, cabinet hardware, appliances, and color schemes. Or, flip the script and use the look of your favorite Hunter fan design as <a href="/blogs/hunter-blog">inspiration</a> for decorating your kitchen. <h3>Kitchen Fan Lighting</h3> Find a variety of lighting solutions in our selection of kitchen ceiling fans with lights. Browse fans with globe lights, bowl lights, and multi-light designs. Create the perfect ambiance with glass shades in white, amber, and frosted options. With finishes including black, white, brown, brushed nickel, brass, chrome, and more, it’s easy to get the look you want and the lighting you need. <h3>Powerful Tradition of Innovation </h3> We believe that ceiling fans are more than just a means of moving air, they’re an essential component of comfort and an integral part of your home’s décor.
That’s why every fan is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, including premium finishes, buffed metals, and perfectly balanced blades. With in-house testing protocols that exceed even the most stringent of industry standards, Hunter goes the extra mile to ensure your fan provides a lifetime of exceptional service. Our innovative designs, fine craftsmanship, and dedication to engineering excellence make Hunter fans the right choice for your home. Install a Hunter ceiling fan in your kitchen to experience the powerful performance and precision craftsmanship for yourself.»> В нашем ассортименте кухонных потолочных вентиляторов с подсветкой вы найдете множество световых решений. Просмотрите вентиляторы с подсветкой в виде шара, лампы в виде чаши и дизайном с несколькими источниками света. Создайте идеальную атмосферу с помощью стеклянных плафонов белого, янтарного и матового цветов. С отделкой, включая черный, белый, коричневый, матовый никель, латунь, хром и другие, легко получить желаемый вид и необходимое освещение.
Whether you’re looking for a kitchen ceiling fan with lights, small kitchen ceiling fans, or a low-profile design, you can count on Hunter to provide powerful performance and outstanding comfort. <h3>Kitchen Ceiling Fan Ideas </h3> Homeowners looking for the perfect DIY kitchen ceiling fan can choose from a wide variety of contemporary, modern, industrial, and traditional fans. We offer styles for rustic appeal, farmhouse-inspired décor, nautical themes, modern designs, and more. Find caged fans, smart fans, chandelier ceiling fans, and even customizable options. Add a downrod to achieve the perfect height, remote control options for convenience, angled ceiling mounts, finials, and more features for a precision fit in your kitchen. Choose a fan that complements your existing furniture, cabinet hardware, appliances, and color schemes. Or, flip the script and use the look of your favorite Hunter fan design as <a href="/blogs/hunter-blog">inspiration</a> for decorating your kitchen. <h3>Kitchen Fan Lighting</h3> Find a variety of lighting solutions in our selection of kitchen ceiling fans with lights. Browse fans with globe lights, bowl lights, and multi-light designs. Create the perfect ambiance with glass shades in white, amber, and frosted options. With finishes including black, white, brown, brushed nickel, brass, chrome, and more, it’s easy to get the look you want and the lighting you need. <h3>Powerful Tradition of Innovation </h3> We believe that ceiling fans are more than just a means of moving air, they’re an essential component of comfort and an integral part of your home’s décor. That’s why every fan is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, including premium finishes, buffed metals, and perfectly balanced blades. With in-house testing protocols that exceed even the most stringent of industry standards, Hunter goes the extra mile to ensure your fan provides a lifetime of exceptional service. Our innovative designs, fine craftsmanship, and dedication to engineering excellence make Hunter fans the right choice for your home.
Install a Hunter ceiling fan in your kitchen to experience the powerful performance and precision craftsmanship for yourself.»> Мы считаем, что потолочные вентиляторы — это больше, чем просто средство для перемещения воздуха, они являются важным компонентом комфорта и неотъемлемой частью декора вашего дома. Вот почему каждый вентилятор создается с особым вниманием к деталям, включая первоклассную отделку, полированные металлы и идеально сбалансированные лопасти. С собственными протоколами испытаний, превосходящими даже самые строгие отраслевые стандарты, Hunter делает все возможное, чтобы гарантировать, что ваш вентилятор будет служить исключительно долго. Наш инновационный дизайн, высокое мастерство и стремление к инженерному совершенству делают вентиляторы Hunter правильным выбором для вашего дома. Установите потолочный вентилятор Hunter на своей кухне, чтобы лично убедиться в его высокой производительности и точности изготовления.
КУХОННАЯ ЗОНА Потолочная плитка | Потолочные решения Armstrong — коммерческий
Лучший вариант гипса с виниловым покрытием, эта панель предлагает более низкую стоимость, меньший вес, больше штук в коробке и соответствует рекомендациям USDA / FSIS.
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- Declare Label — Потолочные панели KITCHEN ZONE
- EPD — КУХОННАЯ ЗОНА Потолочные панели
- HPD — KITCHEN ZONE Акустическая потолочная панель
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Основные характеристики и производительность
- Панели KITCHEN ZONE являются частью ассортимента SUSTAIN и соответствуют самым строгим на сегодняшний день отраслевым стандартам в области устойчивого развития
- Легче резать, меньше пыли
- Пригоден для вторичной переработки по программе Armstrong Recycling Program
- Более яркий вид с коэффициентом отражения света на 20 % больше, чем у гипса с виниловым покрытием
- Семейство продуктов CLEANASSURE – включает дезинфицируемые панели, подвесные системы и отделку
- Поверхность, устойчивая к плесени и грибкам
- Прочный – водоотталкивающий, моющийся, устойчивый к царапинам, грязеотталкивающий
- Гладкая поверхность соответствует требованиям USDA/FSIS для использования в пищевой промышленности
- 30-летняя ограниченная системная гарантия от видимых провисаний, плесени и грибка
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